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ChatGPT kann Tango argentino

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meercat34 asks ChatGPT: what is tango argentino?

ChatGPT: Tango Argentino is a style of tango, a dance and musical genre that originated in Argentina in the late 19th century. Tango Argentino is characterized by its dramatic and expressive movements, as well as its strong emphasis on connection and communication between the dancers. It is typically danced in a close embrace, with the dancers following the lead of the person who is taking the role of the leader.

Tango Argentino is known for its sensual and passionate nature, and it is often associated with the nightlife and culture of Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina. It has become popular around the world and is enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. In addition to being a popular dance style, Tango Argentino is also a musical genre, with a rich tradition of tango music that includes a wide range of styles and influences. Tango Argentino is an important part of Argentina’s cultural heritage and has had a significant influence on the development of tango and other dance styles around the world.

meercat34: and your response in german language?

ChatGPT: Tango Argentino ist ein Stil des Tangos, eines Tanzes und Musikgenres, das Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts in Argentinien entstanden ist. Tango Argentino zeichnet sich durch seine dramatischen und ausdrucksstarken Bewegungen aus, die einen starken Schwerpunkt auf Verbindung und Kommunikation zwischen den Tänzern haben. Er wird in der Regel in enger Umarmung getanzt, wobei die Tänzer dem Anführer folgen.

Tango Argentino ist für seine sinnliche und leidenschaftliche Natur bekannt und wird oft mit dem Nachtleben und der Kultur von Buenos Aires, der Hauptstadt von Argentinien, in Verbindung gebracht. Er hat sich weltweit großer Beliebtheit erfreut und wird von Menschen aller Altersgruppen und Fähigkeitsstufen genossen. Tango Argentino ist nicht nur ein beliebter Tanzystil, sondern auch ein Musikgenre mit einer reichen Tradition an Tango-Musik, die eine Vielzahl von Stilen und Einflüssen umfasst. Tango Argentino ist ein wichtiger Teil des kulturellen Erbes Argentiniens und hat die Entwicklung von Tango und anderen Tanzystilen auf der ganzen Welt erheblich beeinflusst.

meercat34: and in french language?

ChatGPT: Le tango argentin est un style de tango, une danse et un genre musical qui a vu le jour en Argentine à la fin du XIXe siècle. Le tango argentin se caractérise par ses mouvements dramatiques et expressifs, ainsi que par son fort accent sur la connection et la communication entre les danseurs. Il est généralement dansé en étreinte serrée, avec les danseurs qui suivent la direction de celui qui prend le rôle de meneur.

Le tango argentin est connu pour sa nature sensuelle et passionnée et est souvent associé à la vie nocturne et à la culture de Buenos Aires, la capitale de l’Argentine. Il a gagné en popularité dans le monde entier et est apprécié par des personnes de tous âges et de tous niveaux de compétence. En plus d’être un style de danse populaire, le tango argentin est également un genre musical, avec une riche tradition de musique de tango qui inclut une grande variété de styles et d’influences. Le tango argentin est une partie importante de l’héritage culturel de l’Argentine et a eu une influence significative sur le développement du tango et d’autres styles de danse dans le monde entier.

meercat34: and in spanish?

ChatGPT: El tango argentino es un estilo de tango, un baile y género musical que surgió en Argentina a finales del siglo XIX. El tango argentino se caracteriza por sus movimientos dramáticos y expresivos, así como por su fuerte énfasis en la conexión y comunicación entre los bailarines. Se suele bailar en un abrazo cercano, siguiendo la dirección de la persona que toma el papel de líder.

El tango argentino es conocido por su naturaleza sensual y apasionada y suele asociarse con la vida nocturna y la cultura de Buenos Aires, la capital de Argentina. Ha ganado popularidad en todo el mundo y es disfrutado por personas de todas las edades y niveles de habilidad. Además de ser un estilo de baile popular, el tango argentino es también un género musical, con una rica tradición de música de tango que incluye una amplia gama de estilos e influencias. El tango argentino es una parte importante del patrimonio cultural de Argentina y ha tenido una influencia significativa en el desarrollo del tango y otros estilos de baile en todo el mundo.

meercat34: do you know some typical figures or movements of Tango argentino?

ChatGPT: Yes, there are several typical figures and movements that are associated with Tango Argentino. Some of the most common figures and movements in Tango Argentino include:

  • Ocho (ocho cortado): This is a figure in which the follower takes a step back and then to the side, creating an „eight“ shape with their feet.
  • Giro: A turn in which the leader and follower rotate around each other, usually with the leader taking the lead and guiding the follower through the turn.
  • Boleo: A movement in which the follower kicks their leg out to the side, usually while the leader holds them in place.
  • Pasadas: A series of quick, small steps taken by the follower as the leader guides them through a turn or other movement.
  • Cruzada: A step in which the follower crosses their foot in front of or behind their other leg.
  • Molinete: A circular movement in which the leader and follower rotate around each other while moving in a circle.

These are just a few examples of the many figures and movements that are used in Tango Argentino. The dance is known for its complexity and nuance, and there are many other figures and movements that are used to create the expressive and dramatic style of Tango Argentino.

meercat34: Do you know the typical music styles of Tango?

ChatGPT: Yes, there are several typical musical styles that are associated with Tango. Tango is a musical genre that originated in Argentina in the late 19th century and has since evolved to include a wide range of styles and influences.

Some of the most common musical styles associated with Tango include:

  • Tango traditional: This style is characterized by its use of the bandoneón, a type of accordion that is closely associated with Tango music. Traditional Tango music also often features the violin, piano, and guitar, as well as vocals.
  • Tango nuevo: This style, also known as „new tango,“ emerged in the 1960s and is characterized by its use of more modern instruments and electronic effects. It often features elements of jazz and other contemporary styles, and is known for its more experimental and innovative approach to Tango music.
  • Tango fusion: This style combines elements of Tango with other musical genres, such as rock, pop, or electronic music. Tango fusion is often more upbeat and energetic than traditional Tango music.
  • Tango canción: This style is characterized by its use of lyrics and vocals, and is often more romantic and sentimental than other styles of Tango music.

These are just a few examples of the many styles of Tango music that exist. Tango music is known for its emotive and expressive qualities, and it has had a significant influence on the development of other musical styles around the world.

meercat34: what are the differences of Tango, Valse and Milonga music inside of Tango argentino?

ChatGPT: Tango, Valse, and Milonga are all forms of music and dance that are associated with Tango Argentino. While they all have roots in the same cultural and musical tradition, they have distinct characteristics that set them apart from one another. Here are some of the main differences between Tango, Valse, and Milonga:

  • Tango: Tango is a dance and musical genre that originated in Argentina in the late 19th century. It is characterized by its dramatic and expressive movements, as well as its strong emphasis on connection and communication between the dancers. Tango music is typically slower and more intense than other forms of Tango music, and it often features the bandoneón, a type of accordion that is closely associated with Tango music.
  • Valse: Valse is a type of Tango dance that is characterized by its fast and flowing movements. It is often danced to music with a slower tempo than Tango, and it typically has a more playful and lighthearted feel. Valse music is often more romantic and sentimental than Tango music, and it often features lyrics and vocals.
  • Milonga: Milonga is a type of Tango dance and music that is characterized by its fast tempo and energetic style. It is often danced to music with a lively and upbeat feel, and it typically has a more joyful and celebratory atmosphere than other forms of Tango. Milonga music is often faster and more energetic than Tango and Valse music, and it often features the guitar and other instruments that are associated with traditional Argentine music.

These are just a few of the main differences between Tango, Valse, and Milonga. All three forms of Tango are popular in Argentina and around the world, and they each have their own unique characteristics and styles.

meercat34: what means tanda in the setting of a milonga?

ChatGPT: In the context of a milonga, a tanda is a set of three or four songs of the same musical style that are played consecutively. Tandas are typically played at milongas, which are social dance events that feature Tango music and dance.

At a milonga, tandas are usually separated by cortinas, which are short breaks in the music that allow dancers to change partners or take a break. The purpose of tandas and cortinas is to create a structured and organized atmosphere at the milonga, and to allow dancers to better plan and prepare for their next dance.

Tandas are typically organized by style, with each tanda featuring songs in a specific style of Tango or other Argentine dance music. For example, a tanda might consist of three or four songs in the Tango style, followed by a cortina, and then another tanda featuring songs in the Valse style. This allows dancers to choose which tandas they would like to dance to, and to better plan their dance sets.

Tandas are an important part of the structure and culture of milongas, and they help to create a cohesive and enjoyable experience for dancers and attendees.


Liebe Leute, natürlich wissen die Experten wie ihr besser, was Tango argentino ist. Aber ich finde die Antworten trotzdem verdammt gut. Inhaltlich sind sie teilweise nicht ganz präzise, aber die Ausführungen sind glatt, auch recht schön formuliert. Bei den Fremdsprachen halte ich mich lieber zurück. Das ist etwas für Experten. Das SEO-Tool YoastSEO bemängelt etwas zu lange Sätze und fehlende Verwendung von Bindewörtern. Sonst nichts.

Also, ich bin der Meinung, dass sich Tools wie ChatGPT schnell durchsetzen werden. Für Fülltexte reicht das Ergebnis allemal. Es droht damit aber eine neue Welle von Fakenews. Auf hohem Niveau natürlich. Denn der Chatbot verzichtet bisher komplett auf die Quellenangabe, also das Zitieren von Quellen, die er ohne Zweifel haben muss. Wenn die angegeben würden, hätten wir in der Tat ein ernsthaftes Tool, dass sogar der inhaltlichen Überprüfung standhalten würde.

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